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                                                                             CURRICULUM VITAE




NAME:                                                  DESMOND DESAI


QUALIFICATIONS:             B.Sc.(UCT); B.Sc.(Hons)(UWC);

                                                B. Mus.(Mus. Lib.) (UCT); M.Mus.(Mus. Ed.) (UCT);

                                                B.Ed.(SA); Ph.D.(Natal);

                                                H.D.L.S.(SA); H.E.D.(SA); L.T.C.L.




DATE OF BIRTH:                29 October 1952


PROFESSION:                      MUSICOLOGIST; EDUCATOR (Mathematics);    

                                                RESEARCHER; LIBRARIAN


                                                MEMBER: DMD EDU-HOME CC

Reg. No.: 2003/027205/23


ADDRESS                           79 Avery Road


                                                Bellville 7530


               Telefax:                   (021)  913-1438

               Cell:                          084 - 4499 - 595




Sex:                                         Male


Marital Status:                       Married : 8 February 1975 in George


Place of Birth:                        Riversdale


Spouse:                                   Zalda L. Desai,  B.A.; H.E.D.(SA) 

                                                Senior Educator,  Athlone High School,  Athlone


Children:                                Nirdev    Age: 35 years    M.Sc. (Archaeology) (UCT)

                                                                                          B.Com. (Hons) (UCT) 

                                                                                          Risk Manager: OLD MUTUAL     

Pravin     Age: 30  years  B.Compt. Authorized Financial Services


                               Dinesh-Desmond    Age: 25 years   B.Com. (Man Acc) (STELL)

                                                                                          Dip Management Accounting (CIMA)

                                                                                          Management Accountant:

                                                                                          COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION (CSC)

                                     Dezre     Age: 23 years   B.A. (Socio-Informatics) (STELL)

                                                                              Post-Grad Dip. in Management (Inf. Systems and Bus. Analysis)(UCT)

                                                                                          Business Analyst: OLD MUTUAL






                                    1958:   Primary schooling commenced

                                    1967:   Junior Certificate: Schoonspruit High, Malmesbury

                                    1969:   Senior Certificate: Schoonspruit High; First Class with

                                                distinctions in Mathematics, Commercial Arithmetic

                                                and Bookkeeping




                                    1970:   Studies commenced at UCT with several scholarships, including

                                                Ernest Oppenheimer Scholarship.

                                    1973:   B.Sc. in Mathematics from UCT

                                    1974:   B.Sc.(Hons) in Mathematics from UWC

                                    1976:   H.D.L.S. from UNISA

                        June    1977:   B.Mus. from UCT

                                    1978:   H.E.D from UNISA

                                    1983:   B.Ed. from UNISA

                                    1983:   M.Mus. from UCT

                        April    1994:   Ph.D. from University of Natal (Durban)




1958 - Several public performances in drama, choirs and piano   


                                    1967:   1st in SA at Junior Certificate level

                                    1968:   Represented school at Leadership Conference, Athlone

                                    1969:   3rd in SA at Senior Certificate level




                                    1973:   Class Medallist, Music II, UCT

                                    1974:   German Prize, Best Student, UWC

Read papers 1984, 1986(Australia), 1987, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2001-2006 Several Scholarships: Oppenheimer, Jardine, Kirby, CSIR,  HSRC


CAREER:                   1975:   Teacher at George High: Mathematics, Music, Accounting

                                    1976:   Teacher at Bellville South High: Mathematics, Music, Accounting

                                                 Part-time Educator: Alexander Sinton and Hewat College of Education:


                                    1977-1996: Lecturer at Hewat College of Education: Mathematics

            1997-Jan 1998: Lecturer and Act. Maths head  at Cape Town College of Education: Mathematics

                                    May - 31 Dec 2004: Mathematics Educator Grades 9 & 11.

                                                Princeton High School, Mitchell's Plain

                                    Jan 2005 - present: Lecturer in Quantitative Skills: University

                                                of the Western Cape, Faculty of Economic Management


                                    1973 - present: Private music educator: Singing, Piano, Theory for various

                                                grades of University of South Africa, Trinity College and Royals Schools

                                                of Music examinations.                              




                                    1971:   Sang leading roles in Opera with Eoan Group (in 'La Traviata' and

                                                'Rigoletto'), Alambra Theatre, Cape Town

                                    1976:   Obtained Licentiate in Singing from Trinity

                                                College (LTCL)

                                    1981-present: Adjudicator: Cape Malay Music Competitions,

                                                Gospel Music, Christmas Bands, Black School Choirs

                                    1975-76, 1980, 1995:   Formed Mixed School Choirs and Hewat Male and Mixed


                                    1983-84: Sub-Examiner in SC Mathematics (Higher Grade)

                                    1984-85: Studied URDU under Ustaad M. Rawoot            

                                    1985:   Guest Speaker at ANZAAS Conference in Australia

1995:   Guest Speaker at National Arts Coalition Conference, CT; Workshop

            member of WESTAG: Music; Elected to Muizenberg High Board of


                                    1985, 2003/4: Interviews on: SABC (1985)

                                                VOC (Voice of the Cape) (2003, 7 Dec 2004)

                                    2004:   TIMR Workshop on Writing  organised by

                                                Prof. C. Lucia, University of the Witwatersrand, JHB, 22-23 September.

                                    2005:   Compiled Course Reader for the UWC course QSF 101

                                    2006:   Author of several course material in Mathematics, ICG.

                                                Nov 2006: Presenter (Indian/Cape Music), WCED Music    

                                                Workshop, Paarl. 


PUBLICATIONS:     Several Papers in Musicology, Ethnomusicology, Music

                                    Education and Cultural History and Afrikaans

                        Business Mathematics: Identify and Work with Simple Forms of Complex Numbers: ICG, 2006




                                    1983  An Investigation into the Influence of the 'Cape Malay'

                                    Child's Cultural Heritage upon his Taste in Appreciating Music;

                                    An Proposed Adaptation of South African Music Curricula to

                                    Reflect an application of 'Cape Malay' Music therein.

                                    M.Mus. Dissertation, University of Cape Town.

                                    1984    'Cape Malay' Music.  Paper Read at the 5th Symposium on

                                                 Ethnomusicology, University of Cape Town.

                                    1985    The Ratiep Art Form   Paper Read at the 9th National Conference

                                                 of the Musicological Society of Australia, Monash University.

                                    1986    Islamic Music in South Africa: An Investigation into

                                    Cape Muslim and Indian Muslim Musical Practices, both

                                    past and present.   University of Cape Town.

                                    1987    The Educational Significance of 'Cape Malay' Music.

                                    Paper read at the Music Educators' Conference, University of

                                    Cape Town.

                                    1988    Die Kaapse Maleier: Religieuse of Etniese Groep?  In

                        Kutuurhistorikus, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch.

                                    1993    The Musical Context of the Ratiep Performance.

                                    Paper read at the 11th Symposium on Ethnomusicology,

                                    Natal University, Durban.

                                    1993    The Ratiep Art Form of South African Muslims

                                    Ph.D. Thesis,  University of Natal.

                                    1996    The West Sumatran Dabuih and the South African Ratiep.   Paper read

                                     at the 14th Symposium on Ethnomusicology, Rhodes University, Grahamstown.

                                    1997   The Sama': Its Nature, Purpose and Function  Paper read at the 15th

                                    Symposium on Ethnomusicology, University of Cape Town.

                                    2001    Pitch Schemata with reference to Multicultural Southern

                                    Africa; Tone Deafness: Some Educational Implications.  Paper

                                    read at the 28th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern

                                    Africa, University of Pretoria.

                                    2002    Pseudo-Cognitive Cultural Constraints within Musical

                                    Analyses with particular reference to (South African) Islamic

                                    Music.  Paper read at the 29th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of

                                     Southern Africa, University of South Africa, Pretoria.

                                    2002   In Support of the Viewpoint of Achmat Davids on the Partial Origins of

                                     the Art of the Karienkel-singer in the NederlandsliedArticle submitted for

                                     publication. Cape Town.

                        2003    The Dichotomy between Traditional and Popular with reference to the Ratiep Art Form and the Nederlandslied, and respectively Qasidahs / Na’at and Moppies / Ghommaliedjies. Paper read at the 30th Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.           

2003    Kaapse Musiek.   Article requested by Prof Vic Webb, University of Pretoria,  for placing on website for Afrikaans.   

2004    Performance Adjustment Requirements in Musico-Stylistic Conservation Strategies for the Cape Malay Nederlandslied. Paper read at the 31st Annual Congress

of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, University of the Stellenbosch.

2004    The Dabus/Ratiep: Cape Malay Roots on the Ternate islands.  Paper presented at the Symposium on Ethnomusicology, Grahamstown.

2005    The Nederlandslied: The Adjudicator’s Nightmare!? Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Congress of the Musicological Society of Southern Africa, University of Cape Town.

                                    2008    The Eoan Group: A Fading Gem?! Privately commissioned by Prof. Beverley Parker, former Head: Dept

                                     of Music: University of Natal.           


                                    LATEST RESEARCH PROPOSALS:  OCTOBER 2007


                                    A comparison between auditory and general musical perception; with a

                                    specific view to the more effective treatment of deficiencies in musical

                                    perception, memory and production of Tone Deaf persons.


                                    Commonality and differences in religious cantillation: a preliminary

                                    investigation into mainly Jewish and Muslim cantillation.


                                    Can one teach students to think? Research into the Teaching of Mathematical

                                    Thinking Skills relevant to Quantitative Skills Courses to Students in the    

                                    Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the University of the Western





                                    History of the Music in the Cape: c. 1500 - present

                                    Moravian Church Music

                                    Afrikaans/Dutch Church Music and Cape Malay Music

                                    Music of the Khoi/Slaves


                                    Music of Kanaldorp (District Six)

                                    Langarm Music

                                    Krismiskore and the The SA Salvation Army

                                    Islamic Music in Africa/Asia

                                    The Second Rise of Coon: 1994 - present

                                    Tone Deafness

                                    Pitch Cognition                                              

                                    Git, Na'at, Ghazals and Qawalli

                                    Hindu Bhajans

                                    Induced Stress and Anxiety in Mathematics Teaching

                                    Long-Term Memory Deficit in Mathematics Learning                  

                                    Problem Diagnostics in Mathematics and its Remedies

                                    ‘Cape Malay’ Music in Education: The Origins of Karienkel-singing

                                    Shangaan Traditional Music

                        Afrikaans/Cape Malay/Cape/Cape Muslim/Islamic influences in the Music of Abdullah Ibrahim

                        The Eoan and the two Josephs

                        Joseph Manca: Composer, Conductor, and Cultural Leader

                        Joseph Manca and Abeedah Parker

                        Cape Town Opera and Cape Malay Music : Manca and Du Plessis           


MEMBERSHIPS:     Association of Mathematics Education in South Africa (AMESA)

                                    Musicological Society of Southern Africa (MSSA)


REFEREES:              Contact:



                                                                                    CV adapted on 14 June 2012


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